Since the start of the pandemic, it has been difficult to get to our favorite beauty salons for treatments and touch-ups. So it’s no surprise that some people are turning to DIY methods for their aesthetic needs.
One of the most popular do-it-yourself cosmetic treatments is DIY eyelash extensions. They are affordable and seem like an easy alternative to professional in-house treatments, but are they really a good substitute for professional
eyelash extensions
and are they safe?
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of DIY lash extensions, and why they may not be the ideal eyelash home makeover option for you.
Are DIY Eyelash Extensions Safe?
This question is a tricky one to answer because DIY lashes
be safe, but only when the treatment is completed properly. DIY lash extensions can be downright dangerous when applied by someone with little to no experience.
Cyanoacrylate, a type of medical-grade adhesive that is used in most eyelash extension products to bind the extensions onto your natural lashes, can hurt your eyes or skin if not used properly.
Though most products containing Cyanoacrylate have a product warning, not all of them list it as a primary ingredient. You must be extremely careful when using these products and, ideally, they should only be used by certified lash technicians who are well trained in applying extension adhesive. For this reason, DIY lash extensions are not entirely safe to use.
Dangers of DIY Lash Extensions
As mentioned above, Cyanoacrylate can burn the eyes and skin if they make contact, which is concerning considering how close the product needs to get to both of these areas. You run the risk of hurting yourself if extensions aren’t applied properly. There are other dangers involved with using DIY lash extensions.
Cluster lashes are eyelash extensions that involve gluing a cluster of connected extensions to multiple eyelashes, instead of one-to-one applications. Using cluster lashes puts you at risk of losing eyelashes prematurely, because when one lash falls off during the hair growth cycle, the cluster may pull out multiple lashes beside it. This could cause traction alopecia over time, which may stunt growth in parts of your lash line.
When using DIY lash extensions, you also run the risk of damaging your eyes by trying to isolate and apply the extensions with a small pointy applicator and tweezers. The damage to your eyes can be permanent and irreversible.
Why You Should See a Certified Lash Technician
When it comes to cosmetic care, the safest option is the best option. When it comes to lashes, the same is true. The safest type of eyelash extension is one that is applied by a certified lash technician.
These technicians have considerable training in eyelash health and care, and they undergo extensive training and practice. They know how to use the adhesives properly to ensure there is no risk of injury or lash line damage.
Play it Safe and Avoid DIY
Limited access to professional treatments can be a challenge but at the end of the day, there are just some things that a DIY method can’t properly treat - and your eyelashes are one of them. Avoid the risk of damage to your eyes and skin by seeking professional assistance when it comes to your eyelash extensions.
If you’re looking for a certified lash technician in Pleasant Garden, NC, look no further than Endless Beauty Design. Our team of highly trained aesthetic professionals is here to help you look and feel your best! Give us a call at (336) 558-1935 or connect with us